The Armaments Corporation of South Africa SOC Limited (Armscor) is an acquisition agency for the South African Department of Defence (DOD) and other organs of state and entities. Armscor’s mandate is to provide the armed forces with state-of-the-art defence matériel, delivering innovative defence solutions efficiently and effectively.
The organisation manages the strategic capabilities of the DOD, producing research and vanguard technological solutions required to provide safety and security for South Africa, its citizens and the continent.
Armscor’s core businesses
One of Armscor’s core businesses is acquisition. Its key functions include requirements analysis, technology development, design and development of products and product systems and the industrialisation and manufacturing of mature products and product systems that fully meet user requirements. It also entails procurement of existing and qualified products, as well as the acquisition of product-system support for user systems during the operational lifetime of the systems.

Research and development
Armscor, through its Research and Development, is able to conduct defence research and scientific research, test and evaluation services, technology management, analysis and industrialisation and intellectual property management services. The organisation has the capability to perform independent, centralised coordination and fulfil a management role for technology acquisition and technology commercialisation.
Naval dockyard
The dockyard provides repair and maintenance services to the SA Navy on various product systems from tugs to small craft, frigates and submarines. Maintenance and repair services cover both planned and ad-hoc projects. It is one of South Africa’s strategic national capabilities, where the country’s naval defence maintenance, repair and overall capabilities are housed.
For more information contact:
Corporate Communication Division
370 Nossob Street, Erasmuskloof X4, Pretoria
Tel: +27 12 428 1911