Smart Procurement World Indaba 2024

Be a part of the evolution at the forefront of supply chain excellence! Join industry leaders, visionaries, and professionals to unlock the secrets hidden within “The DNA of Procurement” at Smart Procurement World Indaba, 9-12 September 2024.


Discover the pulse of procurement innovation at the 2024 Smart Procurement World Indaba, where ‘The DNA of Procurement’ takes center stage. 

Uncover the intricacies that define procurement’s genetic makeup, exploring the interconnected strands that shape every decision, transaction, and relationship. 

Just as the DNA carries the genetic information that shapes living organisms, the DNA of Procurement intricately weaves through every aspect of the supply chain, determining its structure, resilience, and ultimate success.

Unravel the DNA strands with us

Be a part of the evolution at the forefront of supply chain excellence!

Join industry leaders, visionaries, and professionals to unlock the secrets hidden within “The DNA of Procurement.” This is where innovation meets integration, and where the future of procurement is shaped.