Women in Mining conference to Develop, Unite, Empower – It’s DUE!

The theme for this year’s conference is: Deliberating on ways to safeguard and encourage the future progress of women in SA mining. 


The Pinpoint Steward’s Annual Women & Leadership in Mining conference, taking place on 28 & 29 August in Johannesburg, is one of the highlights during women’s month and delegates can once again look forward to a powerful line-up of speakers. The theme for this year’s conference is: Deliberating on ways to safeguard and encourage the future progress of women in SA mining.

Why the urgency? As you are aware, the Minerals Council and its members have set stretch targets to double the percentage of women in mining by 2025, towards a 30% to 40% representation across industry and 50% in management over the next decade.

“Laws, white papers and guidelines have been put in place to overcome barriers for women wanting to enter into a mining career, but a more accelerated approach is needed, especially in trying to ‘double’ the figures, which currently sits at 14%, if stats are correct,” says Ankia Roux. “Most mining companies are eager to create an inclusive environment for women, regardless of the challenges faced, as a male populated sector. This is evident in the attendance each year with presentations speaking on progress, support, innovation and growth.”

“Twelve South African women in mining are selected each year to take to the podium. They are chosen at various levels and across commodities,” says organiser Ankia Roux. She adds: “To find these women is indeed the difficult part, and we believe that this conference platform will discover the next CEO, manager, women at rock-face doing exceptional work. We are currently recruiting speakers for August 2024 and it’s encouraging to see that women are moving into more spaces and seizing opportunities as leaders at all levels.”

Pinpoint Stewards sponsor 20 young students each year to join in the discussions, find a mentor or possible job shadowing position in the sector.

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