Smart Procurement World Indaba 2023

Join attendees from procurement, supply chain, enterprise supplier development, SMME suppliers and procurement solution providers at South Africa's largest Procurement and Supply Chain Indaba, 11 - 14 September 2023.


South Africa’s largest Procurement and Supply Chain Indaba

11 – 14 September 2023 

Smart Procurement World Indaba is Africa’s Premier procurement and supply chain gathering. The event is in its 17th year and is co-hosted with the Absa Enterprise & Supplier Development Event. Join attendees from procurement, supply chain, enterprise supplier development, SMME suppliers and procurement solution providers.

This year’s theme will be “Do risk right!”

The 17th Annual event will unpack the balance of risk mitigation and provide the roadmap to innovative and resilient procurement functions. Across the private sector and the public sector, both risk and resilience are relevant.

Join the procurement and inbound supply chain event of the year!

As leaders, practitioners and procurement teams we come together to navigate the “How” of risk resilience.